Monday, September 24, 2007

Giving Up A Vice

I'm giving up a huge vice that is holding me back in my weight loss......milk. I love milk. But I love losing weight more so I'm cutting my favorite drink way, way back. It will be hard because I love to drink milk, but I can do it. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Pants

Mrs. Surf has made it official. Some of my pants are getting baggy and I'll have to buy smaller ones soon; terrible problem, hehe.
I swerved from my diet for one night this week and went with my friend Kuro to get some late-night pizza. While it was way off the beaten path of my diet, I think it was an important part of it. That one night of pizza was very fun for me and will keep me on track more than anything else for at least a month.
I've finally increased my water intake and I've found a new drink that has 0 calories that I love. It's diet green tea. I love it!!
I'm going to buy some new clothes tomorrow evening. My goal for the rest of this year is to get down to 260. That will be 60 pounds from where I started. My longer-term goal is to be at 225 by next summer when I return to Oklahoma.
Last but not least; It's great to be a Grandpa!!!